If you’re bored and tired of TV, join me as I go down a rabbit hole investigating an interesting little place in California called...

SRI international.

You ready?
Established in 1946 as “Stanford Research Institute” it was deemed a center of innovation to support economic development in the region.

SRI performs client-sponsored research and development for government agencies, commercial businesses, and private foundations.
In April 1953, Walt and Roy Disney hired SRI to consult on their proposal for establishing an amusement park in Burbank, California. SRI provided information on location, attendance patterns, economic feasibility, & logistics.

SRI research helped to create “Disneyland” ...
Also in the 1950s SRI worked under the direction of the Bank of America to develop ERMA (Electronic Recording Machine, Accounting) and magnetic ink character recognition (MICR). MICR remains the industry standard in all cheque processing.
Now, things get weird in the early 1970s at SRI.

Working with the CIA they undertook a series of investigations of psychic phenomena.

The project used "consciousness researchers" with funding from the US intelligence community.

The SRI psychic experiments used a Faraday cage to enhance remote viewing of subjects, and Psychokinesis, the psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system.
Project Stargate continued until the 1990s when it was “discontinued”

In 2006 SRI was awarded a $56.9 million contract w/the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for the development of drugs and antibodies treatments for avian influenza, SARS, West Nile virus.
Then in 2007, things really get interesting at SRI.


CALO is Latin for “Soldiers Servant”

CALO was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under its Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) program.

Artificial Intelligence.
The goal was building a new generation of cognitive assistants that can reason, learn from experience, be told what to do, explain what they are doing, reflect on their experience, and respond robustly to surprise.

This SRI AI project was renamed when they created a new branch..
SRI launched a spin-off company, called

Siri Inc.

Apple acquired SIRI in April 2010.

In October 2011, Apple announced the Siri personal assistant as an integrated feature of the Apple iPhone 4S.

Siri is a former SRI DARPA project.
Disney, Project Stargate, DARPA and your “personal assistant” SIRI
we so happily engage each day are all linked, connected in more ways than one.

Thanks for joining me this evening, and before I go, ask SIRI where she was born.

Goodnight. ✌️
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