Has science gone too far???
Alrighty, time for some investigative journalism. First off, I just noticed it doesn't actually say "chocolate" on the package (it's a "coffee bar"), the first ingredient is a combo of words I've never seen before ("whole coffee matter") and despite the 🍁, it's made in the US.
The bar itself. It's kinda cute? It also kinda smells like a Coffee Crisp except more burnt-ish.
First bite. Oh god.

I'll admit, it's been awhile since I've had a double-double but I slugged them all the time in university (sometimes triple-triples, and if it was a particularly bad day, a five-by-five).

Anyway, I'm 99.98% sure double-doubles did NOT taste like this.
Imagine dollar-store chocolate Easter eggs that didn't sell, so the manager put them in the back to put them out again next year.

That's what I'm getting both taste and texture-wise — this kind of fake creaminess, and something that's somehow both soft/brittle at the same time?
On the taste, there's also a bit of burnt/bad black licorice flavour combined with a huge punch of sweetness that lingers in your mouth after the bar is long gone.
It's kind of nostalgic for me, weirdly. For the longest time my parents only bought cheap/on-sale chocolate and this reminds me of my childhood.
There are what I assume are coffee grinds incorporated into the bar that give it a bit of fun texture/grittiness. The grits also linger after the bar is gone (it melts quite nicely in your mouth, actually).
Honestly it's not terrible, but also I don't think I'm going to have another piece rn. I wonder if I would've been more jazzed about it if Timmy's had just sold it as a coffee bar and not a double-double, which carries with it certain flavour expectations this did not meet.
Conclusion: 2/5, I'll finish the bar but probably not get another one. I'd recommend sticking with the Timbits cereal if you have to pick up a Tim's product at the grocery store other than straight-up coffee.

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