Almost every state and county level race in Kent County will be contested by a Democrat! This thread is a list of candidates for Kent County races. 1/x
SH-72: Steve Johnson (i, R), Cade Wilson (D), Lily Cheng-Schulting (D)

Johnson is eligible for one more term in this Kentwood-based district. This district is trending Dem, but is still a stretch as a pickup, but both Wilson and Cheng-Schulting are vying for the chance to try.
SH-73: Brandon Sinclair (R), Robert Regan (R), Bryan Posthumus (R), John Inhulsen (R), Bill Saxton (D)

Rep Lynn Afendoulis is running for Congress, making this an open seat that is starting to become competitive. Sinclair is the most likely R nominee to face Saxton.
SH-74: Mark Huizenga (i, R), Brock Story (R), Meagan Hintz (D)

Huizenga, a former mayor of Walker, is running for a 2nd term, but is facing a primary challenge from Brock Story. 2018 Dem nominee Meagan Hintz is running again.
SH-75: David LaGrand (i, D), James McKeiver (R)

LaGrand is running for a 3rd full term in this heavily Democratic district. This time around he actually has Republican opposition though.
SH-76: Rachel Hood (i, D), Doug Zandstra (R)

Hood is running for a 2nd term in this increasingly Democratic district and will be facing accountant Doug Zandstra who was once considered for Grand Rapids Comptroller
SH-77: Tommy Brann (i, R), Bob Smith (D), Dana Knight (D)

Brann, a local restaurant owner, is running for his 3rd and final term in this R leaning district. Union advocate Bob Smith has filed to run against him, but in a surprise move, 2 time candidate Dana Knight filed as well.
SH-86: Thomas Albert (i, R), Sue Hayes (D), Jeff Merritt (D)

Albert is running for reelection in this heavily Republican district. Two Democrats have filed to face Albert in November.
Another thread on county level races will be incoming tomorrow
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