I know for a fact that I will fall out of love with illustration someday. but I also know that what I am truly in love with is the act and the art of storytelling—which still has so many more doors for me to open after this one closes. which it will, and that is okay. https://twitter.com/AnneofManyNames/status/1251251870749929476
that doesn't mean I'm not going to give it all I've got while I still can. just because I know I will eventually burn out/get bored/feel stuck/want to move on from something that I am in love with Right Now. in fact, it just makes me want to do more and do better.
this thread was very insightful. it's important to take small breaks from the things we love when they start to feel stale—whether it be our careers, hobbies, or relationships—so that when we come back, they're exciting again. otherwise we risk losing them completely.
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