Welcome to the new #dncElectionFraudEvidence thread.

Goal: Examine each piece of corresponding evidence & separate fact from fiction.

Thesis: US elections are DEEPLY rigged. Until this is fixed, no amount of strategy and support will bring lasting positive change.

-All items here subject to SPECIFIC, SOURCED counterproof, not bare counter-assertions.
-Burden of proof = 1st on us to show fraud evidence, then on you to disprove. Asking how exactly fraud was done ≠ reasonable counter.
(More-detailed Occam's Razor treatise to come if needed)
Let's start here. Not direct fraud evidence, but potent indicator that "America Is [Indeed] Not A Democracy"

"The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy." https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/03/america-is-not-a-democracy/550931/
I'll reserve this spot for potential solutions.
Mass, well-organized, peaceful activist protests/lawsuits/strikes demanding elections via publically countable/verifiable #handMarked #paperBallots - makes the most sense to me so far. See image for other ideas & reply with ur own.
Having trouble finding the clip where Hillary says: i'll support dem nominee since "I think I know who it will be". Anyone got a link so I dont have to dig through old posts?
QUITE some coincidence here. Evidence of innocent explanation welcome as always, but until then - our old friend Occam's got some serious skeptical-hippo eyes on this. https://twitter.com/Fiorella_im/status/1239911722325921794?s=20
An all-too prophetic statement made back in February 2020 (when Bernie seemed to have all the momentum). https://twitter.com/BklynForBernie/status/1233108901517762560?s=20
You can follow @ReasonOverDogma.
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