Gee, I can't imagine why the vast majority of the country keeps telling Trump and MAGA to shut the hell up about reopening before it's time.
People might eventually want to take the risk, but so far, they're not. Why? Maybe it has something to do with the brain-dead moron in the White House only concerned about his re-election, or the swastika-waving protesters prioritizing haircuts and iced tea over lives.
"You don't care about the needs of the working people!" shouted the man who works from home, gets paid to run his mouth, and is oddly quiet whenever Dan Patrick talks about culling the herd.
Now, some of you might think "culling the herd" is offensive and insulting; same for "death cult" and the like.

Well, yeah, that's the point of using such rhetoric: to offend and insult the dingbats who care more about Trump's re-election and their convenience than lives.
And hey, morons like Dan Patrick and Donald Trump are the ones who said the kinda stuff that prompts such reactions.

Again, it's amazing to me that Team MAGA genuinely thinks their shit won't be thrown back in their faces in the fall and for years afterwards.
Many will never live this down. For idiots on outlets like Fox, not a big deal because of their insulated circlejerk, but politicians who have to answer to a wider audience? Yeah, they're fucked, especially if they're up for re-election this year.
Trump's mishandling of the situation is so bad he's losing support among seniors (y'know, the GOP's most reliable group of voters) and putting longtime red states that haven't gone blue since before many of us were born in play. That's how big a fuck-up he is.
That all means a lot of things, but the most pertinent goes back to what I said at the start of this thread: the vast majority of the country telling Trump and MAGA to shut the hell up.
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