The 2011 Boston Bruins, reunited:
Boychuk with the dab.
"Did the game start yet?"

- Said every person trying to stream a video in Zoom
"Who's drinking Amstel Light? Johnny, for sure."

3 minutes into this broadcast.
"Cheers, boys."

This is fantastic.
Gregory Campbell to Brad Marchand : "I'm going bald? Your fucking forehead starts eight inches back from your fucking eyes."
This is going to be heinous by the third period.
"Bergy, how many more (tattoos) do you got?"

Marchand: "He's just trying to cover up his body going to shit."
Seguin: "Tough angle on ya, Marsh."

The roasting begins again:
Shouts to Milan Lucic for mentioning Corsi.
Marchand: “Soupy looks high as fuck right now.”
Corsi stan Milan Lucic:
Ference: "Hey Krecho, during the commercial break, why don't you tell everyone about Prague. Such a great bonding experience."

Krejci: .... "Yeah."
*Someone rips a fart*

"Was that you, Tooks?"
Marchand: "You're going bald there, bud."

Gregory Campbell: "I'm going bald? Your fucking forehead starts fucking eight inches back from your fucking eyes."

Someone print the T-shirts.
Milan Lucic: "Look at this fucking guy, Kesler, chirping."
Mark Recchi: "Keep talking about the Vancouver guys, how hurt they were playing.

"Christ, they didn't see our dressing room."
The Bruins are talking about Milan Lucic running into Ryan Miller.

Lucic: "Stay in the crease, no?"

Marchand: "Yeah, I agree. If you want to play with the big boys."

Kelly: "You ruined their entire season that year."

Marchand: "They're still trying to recover."
Thornton: "Soupy, are we done for the night yet? Can I turn this off.

Campbell: "Second period? Yeah, probably. We're done."
"Slappers from the red line."

Thornton: "Corsi."

Ference: "They didn't even do Corsi back then."

Thornton: "Nah, but we were ahead of it."
Lucic: "Ask anyone from Vancouver, and I talked to a million of them —The referees were paid by the Bruins. They were on our side the whole time, just to let you guys know."

Ference: "That's biting and complaining — coming back to bite ya."
The Bruins on Marchand:

"He's come a long way, that's for sure."

Boychuk: "His nose has gotten crooked-er."

Marchand: "Johnny, you dress like a picnic table."
Lucic: "Win the game, win the period, win the game, win the period, win the Stanley Cu - sorry guys."

*Takes a swig of wine*

"Last bottle."

Lucic: "Sorry for having a good time, man."
Chris Kelly to Brad Marchand: "Once Bergy retires, your game is going to shit."
Lucic: "Bergy, did Burrows actually fucking bite you?"

Bergeron: "Yeah."

Peverley: "He's got the bite mark."

Bergeron: "Still have it."
Oh god they’re bringing out the vodka
Brad Marchand vs. Gregory Campbell in all its glory:
"Did Zee go to sleep?"

Marchand: "He's in his tanning booth."

Rask: "You guys don't even know Zee. He drinks like a sieve."
Milan Lucic offers a toast to Tim Thomas. This is great stuff.

"I haven't seen Timmy T in a long time. ... You were the MVP that season ... Tank, I appreciate what you did that year. ... I love you man. Cheers."
Marchand on Bergeron: "Bergy's the one who decides if (Boston) is open or shut down right now. He's the mayor."

Campbell: "Marty Bergeron."

Marchand: "Zee, you put up a wax figure there or what? You still with us?"
Annnnnnnd we have gone off the rails.
Another toast to a Stanley Cup title.
Milan Lucic: "This is a family that we will have for the rest of our lives.”
Where's Kaberle?

Ryder: "He's out delivering groceries."
Peverely: "Why the fuck did Dan Patrick do this fucking game?"
. @erusso22 returning to the Zoom call.
Well, that was incredible.

Hey, sports — please give us more of this.
A couple of leftovers from last night's call:

Shane Hnidy: "Your speech after Game 5, Timmy, was what — 'We don't fucking lose again?'

"Pretty good speech."
On Zdeno "Florida Man" Chara:

Ference: "Big man is wrestling alligators down there."

Chara: "That's what I do. Pick them up and put them down."
Following Bergeron's opening goal:

Krejci: "Timmy would have had it, for sure."

Lucic: "That's why you don't chirp Timmy. You chirp him after Game 5? Boom."
Brad Marchand vs. Chris Kelly:

Marchand: "Some guys are saying Jarvie (former Bruins assistant coach Doug Jarvis) is sitting right beside ya on the couch.”

Kelly: “Jesus. We know Claude is right beside you, rubbing your shoulders. ‘Don’t worry Brad, it’ll be okay.’
Rask: “(Michael Ryder) isn’t here, is he?”

Hnidy: “No chance.”

Ference: "Ryds is on Newfie time, bud. He can’t figure out the half-hour difference.”

Ryder literally showed up about 25 minutes later.
On Horton & the water bottle:

Ference: “Did anybody know what Horty did?

Milan Lucic: “I found out when he came back in and I think he told a couple of us — ‘It’s our ice now.’

Ference: “It’s the best footage ever. He looks like he’s on a secret mission. It’s amazing."
Mark Recchi: "They kept talking about it was going to be my last game. How the fuck did they know? I didn't say anything."
Ference: "Merlot (Line) is buzzing right now."

Campbell: "I think we just changed the game."

Rask: "You probably got yelled at for staying out there too long."
Marchand to Campbell: "All the listeners think you're high as shit right now."
Campbell: "Did you take your private jet (to Florida)?"

Chara: "No, we drove."

Ference: "He took the Greyhound."

Hnidy: "I thought he rode his bike."
*Close to an hour into the broadcast*

Thornton: "I don't think one thing has been said about this game, by the way."

Hnidy: "You know the outcome."
Forgot that we had a "Baby Shark" cameo in the middle of this video conference:
Gregory Campbell on Jaromir Jagr:

"Jags told me I was the best center he ever had. ... Me and (Paille) basically put him in the Hall of Fame."
Ference: "Boys, who's setting up the reunion?"

Hnidy: "If I'm doing it, I'm setting up in Vancouver."

Ference: "Good call."
Marchand vs. Campbell: Round 3

Campbell: "Buddy, you're worth $60 million, do you really need to do this? Have some respect for yourself. Do you need to sell a couple hats?"
Peverley: "Soup, I didn't see you smile for three years and all of the sudden, I haven't seen ya stop smiling this whole time."

Campbell: "You know what, I miss you guys."
Milan Lucic: "Oh weird — Burrows cheap-shotted someone. Weird."
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