Why do the mainstream ‘news’ agencies bother having different names. They are all regurgitating the same nonsense constantly. They use the same tactic consistently, ‘build a straw man, then knock it down’ over and over...
..Fighting this global pandemic has been compared to fighting in a world ‘war’. The reality is, that we have effective and abundant ‘ammunition’ to use against the virus and yet that fact is being ruthlessly obscured by the whole united force of the fake news media....
...entire institutions dedicated to promoting confusion and conflict. An entire industry of disgusting professional liars. They are carpet bombing the people of the world with deceit, with falsehood. Our only chance at survival is to finally grow up....
...To take responsibility for collecting our own information. To reject opinion ‘journalism’. Remove the notion from our minds that journalists are a bunch of Paul Reveres, because in reality they are the red coats....
... Defeating this enemy means to ignore the ‘news’ article and go straight to the source information. The good news is that real information is available. But it takes a little while to learn how to read it. It’s a struggle, it takes energy and focus...
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