Imagine people being told their whole life to vote democrat. They don't even think to ask why. Then all of a sudden @realDonaldTrump becomes president. These people start seeing this president cares for them. He is republican. They decide to support him in 2020!
All of a sudden, these people start to experience hatred coming from their old party. Threats, disowning, etc. They finally figure out that those people they voted for all those years were evil and hated them all along. They now decided to start asking questions.
Why did they want us to vote democrat all these years? They finally figure it out. It was to keep them divided from the republicans. They were told lies about the republicans for decades. They thought those lies were true. They hated republicans. But now, they know the truth.
They know its not the republicans that are their enemies, its the democratic party. They found out as long as democrats could keep us divided, there could be no unity in this country. Today democrats are enraged by what is happening. They have lost their party. Game Over!
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