i am still doing my soul work regarding being afraid of my own power because i have no examples to rely on. it's work i'm doing from scratch with no guidance but my own intuition and life experience. it takes me time but at least i try every single day.
honoring my own boundaries is a vital aspect of my power. so no, i'm not going to allow them to be consistently crossed because then i have betrayed myself and who has to deal with that feeling of being disappointed in herself? me. so i avoid it by honoring myself.
i don't find it comfortable anymore to always feel disappointed in myself and feeling regret for not standing up for myself. no. i love myself so much that i fight for my safety every day because my life and my joy are so precious.
and i can't experience either in their fullness if i'm always running behind people going "oh please respect my boundaries please". nope. i respect my boundaries and move accordingly. my happiness and peace is not dependent on anyone else behaving. that's not being in my power.
if you can't respect my boundaries then i take that for what it is and remove myself. i'm not begging for decency. my boundaries are not unreasonable. you just do not care about anyone's comfort but your own. so i take that information and move on. thank you for showing me.
life is far too precious to be in miserable company. i'm good.
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