Thread/ An unimpressed rant:
1/For some reason, white men in the UK that hate women have decided to co-opt the narratives of black lives in order to harass, bully, and control white women. "Karen" is a good example, whereby young, entitled white men apply the name to any
2/white woman that isn't doing what they'd like - specifically, not agreeing with them or being silent. "Karen" was never meant to be used in that way. "Karen" was about a specific type of middle-class woman blind to the woes of the world and safely ensconced within
3/her own little bubble of entitlement. When you use it about anyone that doesn't fit that specific narrative, you're appropriating a method in which black people articulate our understanding of the world. Stop. You don't see black men calling every woman
4/they disagree with "Karen" so what makes you special? Nothing. Tuck your misogyny and entitlement back in, it's disgusting. Another good example is the current UK transgender Twitter activism. So often, when the anime-obssessed woman-hating incel crowd of
5/young white men with too much time and not enough childhood wallopings defend their right to self-identify as women, they cite the horrific statistics regarding transwomen of color. Why? To paint a picture of trans people as the most oppressed group of people
6/in need of absolute support, unquestioning solidarity, and uncompromising capitulation to their ever-escalating demands of women. The problem with this, of course, is that these statistics are imported from far away in the Americas. In reality, more female people in the UK
7/have been murdered just during the Covid-19 lockdown in domestic violence incidents than male people identifying as trans have been murdered in the past 10 years in the UK. Murder is always terrible and even one is already too many, but it's hardly the picture being painted by
8/trans activists who would like everyone to think transgender people are dying every day here. Not every day, not even every week, or month, or year. It's a scare tactic, meant to frighten women into compliance. Enough is enough. If you want to identify
9/as transgender - go right ahead. But don't pretend it has anything to do with dead South American transwomen, many of whom transition and go into prostitution because they have no other job opportunities, which puts them into the danger that costs them their
10/lives - worldwide, 65% of trans people murdered are prostitutes. Are you being prostituted post-transition, or are you sitting online in your air-conditioned home, trolling women on Twitter, bitterly reflecting on your first world problems and blaming "Karen"
11/for your bad mood? Get over yourself. Whatever your reason for transitioning, it lies within you, not dead women of color you don't have any connection to. Stop co-opting the narratives of brown bodies to support your identity ideology. If you think you feel like a woman, go
12/ahead and live that life. But this isn't George Orwell's 1984 - if you aren't convincing, you aren't coercing. Your pronouns are I/Me/My just like mine, and women are done asking "How High?" when you demand that we jump.
13/The answer is no, so cry yourself a river then build yourself a bridge and GET OVER IT.

/end rant

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