On a call today w/ FEMA supply chain task force, a Senator repeatedly asked: How many testing components & PPE do you expect we'll need going forward, & is there a plan to get there?

They had no numbers — at all. Not even an estimate, which means no specific manufacturing goals.
A Republican Representative said: You must have a need. How many masks did you need 3 weeks ago, & how many do you need today?

Again, no numbers.
In other words, even after we've all been talking about testing & PPE for a month & a half, the administration either has no goals or isn’t willing to share them with the public or even with Congress.
Research from Morgan Stanley & others says we need to be doing at least 500K tests per day in the short term.

We need a battle plan to get there with checkpoints & clear ways to measure if our strategy is succeeding.

Right now we have the opposite. We are flying blind.
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