Systemic shocks, like the global pandemic we are currently enduring, are often used to consolidate power by the already powerful.

But as new cracks break open the cheap veneer of capitalist propaganda, they also open up an opportunity for radical consciousness-raising. 1/11
Façades are crumbling. The pandemic is exposing layers of inherent structural injustice, a loudmouth president openly boasts of cronyism & bribery, undemocratic institutions in every aspect of society thwart real democracy, & the ‘lungs of the planet’ continue to burn. 2/11
It’s not that the structural injustice & violence of capitalism, imperialism, racism, sexism, homophobia & transphobia were not always there. They were.

But like ammonia shocking the consciousness out of the unconscious, ‘the pandemic is a portal.’ 3/11
As Arundhati Roy beautifully writes: 4/11
Everyone already knows it’s a Mad World.

But, it’s not about replacing one mad person with another.

Instead, we raise consciousness by showing the need to replace a mad system that incentivizes madness & elevates the maddest among us to the top. 5/11
Part of being a leftist is helping connect the dots of oppression, suffering & injustice with the true institutional & systematic sources of oppression, suffering & injustice.

Systemic problems require systemic analysis & systemic change. 6/11
The right-wing understand the fragility of this moment.

They are working in overdrive with networks of propaganda & conspiracy theories that match the level of pain, indignity & alienation people feel. & they are deceiving large sectors, like the 50+ 7/11
Though the anger is right-sized, it’s completely misplaced: immigrants, liberals (for the wrong reasons), MSM (also for the wrong reasons), ‘globalism,’ etc.

Blaming everything but the *real* causes of peoples’ suffering: capitalism, authoritarianism, racism, sexism, etc. 8/11
To win revolutionary change, we must counter right-wing propaganda & scapegoating with a compelling *systemic* critique that puts these institutional oppressions front & center.

A return to Band-Aids won’t suffice. Nor will they inspire the direct action necessary to win. 9/11
If this pandemic is a portal to a new world, how do we ensure we don’t end up in a darker, more oppressive or unjust world?

We need to refine our shared values & create new societal institutions that inherently & systematically reflect these values 10/11
Fighting for the next Band-Aid is important because it helps stop bleeding & pain. But we must do so along a trajectory to a new society that structurally reflects our shared values.

In other words, a society that inflicts fewer wounds & thus requires less Band-Aids. 11/11
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