As a computer programmer, I love systems with lots of buttons and switches that have specific purposes. This is why old spaceships (luner module), and old 747 cockpits are so satisfying. The pilot know exactly where to reach to do X. It's instinctive.
If someone dies in a dragon capsule, it'll be because the pilot wasn't able to find a command buried in a sub-menu.
When I was a live sound guy, I owned an alesis quadraverb and I hated it. But it was the cheapest (rack mount) delay unit you could buy. Everything was menus and it was painful to use.
We (and all other sound guys) eventually ditched it and went back to (slightly) older tech. I think I eventually owned two Roland SRV-2000 verbs.
Look at the display: at a glance I know what it's suppose to do. With the press of a button I can change the size of the hall or the duration. Unfortunately it was very heavy and very deep, and would not fit into shallow racks.
But the best was the Roland SDE-1000 digital delay.
So simple. So easy to use. (still too heavy)
Oh, here's the lunar module:
(the hole in the middle is where the computer goes.)
The computer in the lunar and command module deserves its own documentary. (although @Kevin_Fong did a good job in the podcast 13 minutes to the moon.)

Why? It was, by far, the smallest, lightest, most durable computer ever built at the time.
The reason the LM computer started throwing errors during the moon landing was because the astronauts did something they had never done before in sim. They left the ranging radar on (to measure distance between the LM and the CM) in case they had to abort.

Users! Am I right?!?!?
Apollo 12 was struck by lightening twice.
John Aaron made the call "Flight, EECOM. Try SCE to Aux".
That restored telemetry and saved the mission.

If that switch had been in some sub-sub-menu, they probably would have ran out of time and called an abort.
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