experiment: pop-up zoom room meet and greet, DM us for the link. will reply to this thread once it's over. format below
happening now. using best practices for protecting people's safety. welcoming people we have existing f2f relationship, online, or reasonably appear trustworthy, and heavily moderating the room.
for plurals and informed singlets who know us or appear reasonably trustworthy. happening now until we get bored.
hypothesis: most people won't see this until after it happens, but will get a sense of how much interest there is from those who do see it. will reply to this thread once it is over. if rate of DM's is low, will batch it till later today. DM for info
we have run similar rooms from lists and other groups we made, attempting to see what happens in the larger commons. more likely it needs to be a scheduled event with registration etc. just stuff is so volatile right now that it's also hard for people to plan.
You can follow @treemunity.
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