Media, you have an interesting line of Q. for Dr. Fauci and Dr. Trump, that starts with something Dr. Fauci said back in 2011 when the movie “Contagion” had just come out. Dr. Fauci was interviewed by the Center For Infectious Disease Research & Policy, Minnesota 1/ @amyklobuchar
So, speaking, not to a publication intended for a general audience, but basically one his peers would likely read, Dr. Fauci give the movie “contagion” thumbs up for accuracy, though at the time he found the scenario “extremely unlikely.” 3/
In fact, Dr. Fauci told CDRAP "The scientific aspects of how it (the movie, “Contagion) unfolded were excellent, a testament to the fact that Ian Lipkin was heavily involved.”

Dr. Lipkin was diagnosed with COVID-19 March 24.
Importantly, the one aspect of the movie Dr. Fauci took issue with was the rapid development and deployment of a vaccine.

It’s not surprising Dr. Fauci would find the movie “Contagion" so accurate. According to CDC spokesman Tom Skinner "A number of cast members came to CDC. Steven Soderbergh "spent a number of days down here talking to staff and learning how CDC goes about investigating.” 6/
While it’s obvious why I’d focus on Dr. Fauci, he wasn’t the only expert they asked to weigh in. Being a Minnesota publication, they also spoke to Dr. Ruth Lynfield, state epidemiologist, & Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the University of Minnesota, CIDRAP 7/
Lynfield & Osterholm also gave the movie “Contagion” high marks for accuracy - but they were certain if any such global pandemic were to occur, the WHO and “a cast of thousands" would be involved in the response - experts. Not just a few “midlevel” people. 8/
Here’s where the movie “Contagion” strayed from reality, according to Dr. Ruth Lynfield, state epidemiologist in Minnesota (2011) . . . 9/
Now, if you’ve seen the movie, you know about Jude Law’s character. Serious damage caused by a seriously bad man.

"It does point out the damage that unscrupulous bloggers and demagogues could cause in a serious situation," Fauci said. 10/
Now that Jude Law’s character is effectively his boss, I suspext Dr. Fauci would be a little more cautious with his words on that particular subject, but overall, he and the other experts interviewed did seem to think the movie had real educational value. I do too

The movie does an incredible job of showing how a virus spreads. It demonstrates the importance of social distancing, of contact tracing. It even addresses the danger of skeptics.

And it does all this and much more far better than any CDC or WHO PSA I’ve seen to date.

BTW, I used to write and produce PSAs in the dark ages. I think I still know when something can strike a chord like nobody’s business. Contagion can cut through a LOT of skepticism and B.S., which leads me to the questions the media should be asking.

“Dr. Fauci, in 2011, you gave an interview to CIDRAP, a publication of the Center for Infections Diseasy Research and Policy, University of Minnesota. You were asked to comment on the accuracy of the recently released movie, “Contagion.” Do you remember that interview?” 14/
Dr. Fauci, you said "It's one of the most accurate movies I have seen on infectious disease outbreaks of any type.” Is that an accurate assessment of your feelings, specifically as it pertains to issues such as how certain viruses spread, social distancing, contact tracing?

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, has there been any consideration given to contacting the movie’s producer and seeing if he would agree to produce a series of public service announcements using footage from the movie? 16/
Dr. Fauci, given you seem to agree the movie has great educational value, have you spoken to the President about it? Have you recommended he and other policy makers view it together, perhaps in the White House theater? 17/
Mr. President, have you seen the movie “Contagion” and if you have, when did you first watch it?

Second question, what did you think of it? 18/
Now, setting aside speculation as to what news Dr. Fauci and the president might make responding to these Qs, simply by asking them, public knowledge of the movie, interest in viewing it, will increase. Perhaps Steven Soderbergh will get wind of the PSA idea, run with it. 19/
And really, after 20 posts, that’s my goal here - to find ways to use the movie to get through to more skeptics. If one of those happened to be Dr. Fauci’s boss, I’d be thrilled - total suspension of disbelief, but still thrilled. - jwn /20/20
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