Every time a marginalized group tries to move into a “higher tier of respectability”, they splinter - one part tries to ally itself with the mainstream, and they throw the “less acceptable” members of their own movement under the bus. https://twitter.com/razorfemme/status/1252608235263209482
Examples: women’s rights. White women rejected women of color, single mothers, and poor women in a bid to have their own rights acknowledged.
Another example: trans women (WHO STARTED STONEWALL) getting left out of LGBT advancement. A LOT of cis queer folk have shut trans people out of their activism, which makes me yell in my mom voice, “YOU PUT THAT T BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT, BY THE LGB. IT ISN’T YOURS.”
So the conservative shift in the queer community is a further bid to join the mainstream, distancing themselves from the more radical aspects of LGBT community, the people who WERE their allies ... until they wanted more respectability.

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