I’m TIRED of advocating for the right of students of color to have spaces of safety — esp during this pandemic that exposes how racism is deeply embedded with institutions.

My @Stanford education would not be the same without CSRE / Asian American studies.

(1/x) https://twitter.com/0rganicmeme/status/1252306003116404739
I will always be indebted to the professors & peers that pushed me to be accountable with my education.

These classes empowered me to imagine new forms of coalition and community necessary in order for us to build a more just and equitable future.

My current AsAm studies prof taught Intro to AsAm Studies for the 1st time in 10 yrs.

Any student who knows Dr. William Gow can tell you how amazing, humble, supportive, and caring of an instructor he is.

Yet his job is in jeopardy due to Stanford’s hiring freeze.

This Intro to AsAm Studies class changed my friends’ lives. Don’t take my word for it— listen to their stories.

We made this final project as a *plea* to Stanford to offer this class at least every year.


What will Stanford do to support students that felt so inspired by Dr. Gow’s classes to major or continue taking AsAm studies classes — when there are no faculty left to teach?

How am I supposed to tell future students that their education doesn’t exist or matter anymore?

It breaks my heart to know that incoming students won’t be able to experience this power of self-determination — to learn that their histories, families, and voices MATTER in an institution that exploits & silences them.

#Stanford2024 & those beyond DESERVE this future.

I share my story because it’s a privilege that shouldn’t be only mine.

ALL students of color DESERVE to have an education that allows them to critically engage with a society that fails them.

Stanford blames budget cuts, but what about its $27 mil endowment & the football coach’s salary?

Times like this expose how our institutions fail to protect its own workers & the true Stanford “community” that Stanford would not be able to survive without. @stanford_swr

As an AsAm student who has witnessed 10+ hate crimes occur on Stanford’s own campus *this yr alone*, I’m tired of statements from Stanford admin in support of our Asian students.

If @Stanford really cared, I would not be here begging for a class & my prof to have a job.

As someone who entered in Stanford as a prospective CS major, it saddens me to see the glaring disparities in funding btwn STEM & ethnic studies.

Intro to CS is offered every quarter in Python / Java / JS, yet Intro to AsAm studies is ONCE every ten years?!

So I ask @Stanford this. Who do you really care about? Whose education really matters to you?

Or do you simply display us on your brochures & try to sell us during Admit Weekend on your “inclusive” vision?

Our right to our education is YOUR responsibility.

Btw Stanford admin: you OWE us @whosteachingus a meeting. & for profs / students who see this, pls support @whosteachingus.

I’m tired of us having to constantly share this burden of advocating for what we should already have.


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