Thread on anterior pelvic tilt - what causes it and how to correct it.
1. If you sit for long periods of time, you most likely have atp. It's a tragedy most modern seats and chairs force your body into this unnatural position to be more comfortable, but it can be absolutely detrimental long term.
2. If you lift, this can severely hinder you and cause a back injury. If you have a serious enough back injury it can ruin any sort of potential for an athletic career.
3. Girls more commonly suffer from ATP than men due to their hips designed for birth a child.
Have you ever noticed girl arching their backs to seem like their ass is bigger? This is an atp and will probably ruin their lower back the older they get.
4. Most people have a slight atp (especially women) but if this can be corrected early, it could save your life. Atp ruins your hips and can make them come out of their sockets, makes your back compensate for your abs, and makes your hamstrings very tight.
5. You probably know someone with really bad ATP or you may suffer from it yourself. Even Zyzz had atp.
ATP can limit your breathing, mess with your sleep, severly limit flexibility, and cause other issues to everything above your body like a shoulder impingement or a bad slouch
6. I see so many people in the gym squatting and deadlifting with ATP and then they complain about backpain. Lifting heavy with atp is a sure way to snap your spine.
7. I'll offer some stretches and routines to fix the problem, but it could take weeks, months, and maybe years if you've made it your natural position.
8. ATP is causes mostly by weak glutes and core.
Bridges are the easiest exercise for u to establish a mind to muscle connection to your glutes. Push from your heels (do not pronate your feet!) and squeeze your glutes.Hold for 2 seconds, lower down slowly, and repeat 8 to 12times
9. Foam rolling helped me fix my atp. The slower the better, do not roll on your bone. Go back and forth slowly in small motions. Start from your glutes and make your way down to your calves.
10. When you're not doing anything, squeeze your glutes together. The more you engage and use the dormant muscles, the better. It may sound stupid, but doing this consistently over time really speeds up the process.
11. Lunges are a great exercise. I encourage you to do Yoga (sunrise salutations work) in order to practice them every morning. Make sure you're feeling the stretch in your hip flexors, because this is where a lot of the tension comes from. They are use to being pulled back.
12. Butterfly stretch really aids in opening up your hips. You simply push your feet together and your legs look like butterfly wings. The closer your feet are, the deeper the stretch should feel.
13. Forgot to mention, atp can cause ED.
14. Squatting is great, but do NOT let your back round, it is counter intuitive at that point. Stay completely on your feet, push your elbows into your knees. I recommend doing this for about a minute throughout the day.
15. Exercise your core as much as possible. Preform planks, leg raises, knee raises, etc. Just make sure you are engaging your core and not using your lower back.
Start with 30 seconds, then 45, minute, etc. The more you do it, the better.
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