1) People have been talking about it, if not constantly.
2) Not talking about it =/ not caring.
3) Yeah, the unprecedented collective trauma that the country were already under before this does contribute. People are numb and overwhelmed. https://twitter.com/yhzlindsay/status/1252709297575923721
4) An incel terrorist ran over a dozen people in The Supposed Centre of The Universe and as soon as the motivation was determined to be garden-variety toxic masculinity/misogyny and not an easy vehicle to exercise racism or xenophobia THE MEDIA STOPPED TALKING ABOUT IT.
I’m reading the articles about the NS shooter, when I’m in a headspace for it. It sounds like, frankly, every other toxic misogynist brimming with anger and hatred, right down to the likely-abusive relationship with a girlfriend.
I literally can’t think of anything to say that I haven’t said a dozen times before. So maybe stop getting on a soapbox to exclaim that people aren’t reacting how you think they should be reacting.
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