The Conservative Party has governed the UK for the majority of the last 100 years, which arguably makes them beneficiaries of the UK's 130 year old First Past The Post (FPTP) electoral system. 1/13
They know what side their bread is buttered on, so they're not going to even consider supporting a move towards Proportional Representation (PR), are they? 2/13
It is true that they are regularly getting into Government without the need to form a coalition, with less than 50% of the popular vote. Maybe, it is not as clear cut as that. 3/13
It is becoming increasingly clear that Labour don't benefit from FPTP, and a realisation is dawning on Labourites that their historical support for FPTP has not best represented the interests of the ordinary people they claimed to represent during long periods of Tory rule. 4/13
Now that Labour cannot guarantee winning over 40 seats in Scotland, Labour's best chance of getting into power may now rest on forming a one-off electoral pact with other Pro-PR parties, with a condition that they change the electoral system once in office. 5/13
The Covid 19 outbreak has seen a range of views on how the UK Conservative Government has handled things. Either way, it doesn't necessarily mean a single-party Labour Government would handle things any better. 6/13
Two countries whose approach to the crisis has drawn particular praise are New Zealand and Germany. One of these countries has a Labour Prime Minister, whilst the other has a Conservative Chancellor (Head of Government). 7/13
What these two countries do have in common is a coalition government and a consensual style of politics, courtesy of Proportional Representation. 8/13
Irrespective of the global health pandemic which is sweeping the world, the evidence is mounting up that countries who use PR perform better than those countries who use Winner-Takes-All political systems. This is on a range of measures. 9/13
Historically, the Conservatives do have form in actioning electoral reform during circumstances when their self-interest may have suggested otherwise. The Representation of the People Act 1867 enabled part of the male working class to be able to vote for the first time. 10/13
If the current parliament runs it's full term, the Conservatives would have been in power for nearly 15 years. 11/13
Should the Conservatives leave office with a full scale resistance to PR, then this will no doubt be remembered in years to come by other parties who the Tories may need to negotiate with in forming future governments. 12/13
Change is coming, and the Conservative Party needs to decide if it wants to be on the right side of history. 13/13
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