All these articles are coming out about how obesity is the highest risk factor for young people dying of COVID and all the assholes who think fat people just sit around and eat french fries all day are really coming out of the woodwork now huh
It’s incredibly irresponsible for news sources to report on this without a well-rounded analysis of how socioeconomic inequality, race, food deserts, underlying health issues, and freaking GENETICS are all part of what makes people weigh what they do
And I’m going to be so freaking angry if I end up in the hospital on my deathbed getting chastised online by people who think the only way you can look like me is to basically live at McDonald’s
It makes me so sad, because the body acceptance movement has come so far in recent years, and mainstream medical research seemed like it might be FINALLY acknowledging that fat people aren’t inherently lazy and that diets don’t work.
And now, people are using this as an excuse to invalidate anyone who has ever dared to say you can be fat and healthy at the same time. It’s just gonna be used as fuel by people who can’t stand the idea of respecting fat people as human beings.
ANYWAY. This fucking sucks. And you know what? It’s also going to make a lot of people go on crash diets during quarantine out of fear! Which is ALSO NOT HEALTHY PLS DONT SEVERELY RESTRICT YOURSELF RIGHT NOW
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