"Among those fighting the orders are populist groups that played pivotal roles in the beginning of Tea Party protests starting more than a decade ago, such as FreedomWorks and Tea Party Patriots."

The zombie teaparty grifting keeps pounding on my very last nerve. https://twitter.com/memeorandum/status/1252706610251735048
"And similarities in online organizing efforts behind different protests have sparked accusations that they are not, in fact, organic grass-roots campaigns, but 'astroturfing' efforts that are manipulated by Washington conservatives to appear locally driven."

Remember when...
...the teaparty was all about Federalism? Tenth Amendment? Enumerated Powers?

Hahahaha. Fooled ya. Certainly fooled me.
"Organizers of recent protests in Oklahoma acknowledged that FreedomWorks helped arrange the events and said they hoped the 'rolling protests,' which were intended to keep people in their vehicles, helped Mr. Trump politically. But they stressed that" BLAH BLAH FREAKING BLAH.
“'I see absolutely no risks whatsoever' for open-air protests. 'We are adults. We assume personal responsibility for the decisions that we make,' she said."

Holy tap-dancing Jesus, lady, you soooo missed the plot.
That's assclown libertarianism. JFC.

(What I mean is, not thoughtful libertarianism, but the cartoon version.)
You aren't just assuming personal responsibility for embracing risk that only impacts you, you are playing God and assuming it for vulnerable populations. Just like when you eschew vaccines because your read some bullshit on Eagle Noise Patriot dot com.
It's like these dumbfuck Boomer cosplayers missed the whole Polio scare.
Footnote: Overreach by gummint entities that prevents Christians from attending drive-in Easter services is obviously absurd. But that's not what this bullshit I Needs Me A Haircut noise is about.
If pandemics are going to be standard-issue partisan arguments, then we are good and truly fucked.
So you get entire nursing homes where everybody gets coronavirus, and that prompts you to get out your AKs and parade around in defense of Muh Liberties? Fuck right off.
The fundraising goes on forever
And the grifting never ends.
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