I have been in this country for 2 years, I might thread you on my experience in Cote D'Ivoire. First of all, I do not know how I ended up here, I just found myself boarding the plane to Abidjan😭😭 please don't ask how....!
I flew SAA & KQ to Abidjan, vowed to never ever go to east Africa then West Africa. Please save SAA that South-East-West route is painfully painful.
I made it to Abidjan, I spoke ZERO French but the guys at the Visa on Arrival counter were kind. I got my visa in less than 30 minutes. The hotel shuttle picked me up so all was good. I sat quietly in the bus, curious to know more about the city. Drogba's billboards welcomed me.
Getting around was painful. Taxi drivers took advantage because I didn't speak French == Foreigner (maybe American) and I didn't know the price. With that money I could have bought a car 😭😭😭
The Food is good, people are friendly but I found it to have too many people. Maybe because I came from Windhoek & now I live in a city of 2x the population of Namibia. Listen, I went through the worst culture shock EVER!!
Finding accommodation was another thing. Accommodation here is very very expensive but the quality isn't the same as back home. If you want something decent, you will have to pay real money especially if you don't speak French to negotiate.
Since my French level was at BonJour, I had to find something that was comfortable & close to the office because traffic here is nothing compared to Khomasdal's + the taxis here are definitely older than me. I picked my struggle, comfort over money! Best decision ever!
The process of finding accommodation here really traumatised me. Some apartments where empty but dirty as in stuff laying on the floor, some weren't finished & required a deposit which will be used to do the final touches 😭😭. They ask for 5 months rent in advance.
Taxis: Yoooohhhh....... adrenaline rush! You don't need to bungee jump or anything. Every taxi ride guaranteed some sort of adrenaline rush. These guys drive fast meme yangeeeee. Atjee. The roads are really good 2 to three lanes, maybe that's why they enjoy driving fast but yoh.
The word I learned after "Bonjour" was please slow down. God is good guys. The driving here is on another level.
Abidjan is the economic capital while Yamoussoukro is the political capital. There is a Big Basilica in Yamoussoukro with rich history but when I visited my French was bad, I can't remember much.
Back to Abidjan.Banco forest is a perfect escape from the noise and air pollution. I occasionally there for walks.
Photos of Abidjan
Food. I am not really into food, I always keep it simple. I like chicken( better than all Namibian recipescombined), fish ( always fresh), bread( fresh from the oven) and freshly squeezed juice. H.E.A.V.E.N!
Chicken( Kapana), Alloco ( fried plantain) I don't really eat alloco but it is delicious and My favourite( sweet potatoes leaves + meat, reminds me of ombidi)
If I move to fruits and Veggies, Y'all will eat me jealous.
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