My mind has been spinning lately on what it'll actually be like once the restrictions are eased and life returns to normal. The economic impact is what it is, given that the focus has been mostly on that, we know we're going to be facing another recession and it'll take its toll.
I'm quite fortune to still be working at the moment, but given how bad the third level education sector is looking, particularly as a large amount of income is from intl. fees/investments (a thoroughly unsustainable model anyway), my role is nowhere near safe in the long-term.
That's not the thing that matters to me right now though, it's the absolutely horrible strain being put on our mental health collectively. Talking heads will harp on about the economy but what about the societal impact?
I wonder about people who've lost loved ones and friends and haven't had a chance to even grieve or say goodbye to those who've passed, I can't imagine what it'll be like for them when it's all over. I've a family member who's high-risk and have had nightmares about being there.
How will we interact with one another when we're allowed to? I know that all I want to do is see my partner and hold her as we've been apart this whole time, but we know we've to be careful as things could easily change again and we've others around us to worry about.
We talk about what things will be like when we're back to 'normal', we won't even know what that is, our definition of it is changing constantly and I'm quite afraid, more so as time goes on and things get worse.
The outpouring of solidarity around communities and beyond brings much-needed optimism, people will inherently try to do good when things get tough. Hopefully that trend will continue once things get a little bit easier.
I struggle to comprehend though how some people openly flout the advice that's given to keep us safe right now, citing personal freedoms and an 'sure look, it'll be grand' attitude because it most certainly is not grand and won't be for a while, so I wish they'd cop on...
I feel like I've good days where I try and make the most of it. I'm still working, I exercise and set fitness goals, I read/watch stuff, find ways to interact with friends, but then (more so lately) I feel the opposite and spend too much time wondering what the point is.
Time just goes by because I'm so anxious about what's going on or what'll happen next and I lose the drive to do anything at all, feeling that it just doesn't matter, what difference will it make? That's the worst part at the moment, that feeling of utter defeat.
I don't even know where I'm going with this thread anymore, it probably all seems like the ramblings of a madman at this stage...

Our mental health is vitally important now though and, if it helps at all, I'm always up for a chat with anyone else who's struggling a bit too.
The solidarity being shown throughout all this is amazing, I'll do my part as best I can, lets just make sure that we're looking after ourselves and others, where we can đź‘Ť
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