Thanks for the history lesson on the 14th amendment and how States lost much of their power to the Federal Government.
My DD mention Johnson was impeached bc he removed a problem cabinet member & the dem Congress had previously passed a law that if he removed a cabinet member he could be impeached and promptly was.
My understanding is that Johnson took it to the Supreme Court who sided with Congress even though it was unconstitutional. There were many problems during that time.
On another note; I have heard a few negative things about Lincoln, but not that negative, and I find that meme hard to believe. I am sure the truth is some where in the middle as with George Washington.
No one is perfect but I think Lincoln was more likely demonized by the source that said that about him. Thank you for the history lesson, I will look into this further! There is obviously more to the 14th amendment then what u find on the surface.
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