Okay, I’ve known @Alex_Houseof308 for a while. So,November last year I DMed him that I was broke asf. I wanted to learn how to be an influencer so I can make money to live. He said he doesn’t have a way to grow followers, only content that he’d help me RT my posts. I was like...
Okay. I can remember my first 100RT,lol, I was happy asf like sey twitter go pay me but it meant a lot. That time I’d do #200 SUB everyday so I can come online. I Started writing stories and God pushed it for me. Fast forward to 6months later I am here. I’ve not made alot but..
it’s insane progress and I thank God.

November, 2019:
Twitter: over 400 followers
IG: over 5K followers

April 2020:
Twitter: Almost 67K
IG: 31K

I said I’d do this one day and today it is. Thank you @Alex_Houseof308 ❤️👊🏾 #geng #4Life
I think it’s October abi November. I can’t remember. I sha know I get small change now😂
You can follow @shank_comics.
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