What would it be Like to Dream Again?
What would it be like to Know Peace?. What would it be like to live in an Almost Perfect World I #Love #compassion
#Harmony ~§~Look AROUND PEOPLE! Wake-up PLEASE!
it is Possible! "Dream Again!"
"Dream Again!" #imagine ~
It is #Time to #Heal ~ It is Time to be #inspired.. - IT IS TIME to #Learn to #live Again! - Stop #Ego! Stop Greed; Stop #Disharmony - YOU ARE A #CHILD OF #GOD the #Creator!
~You HAVE MORE than YOU Know...
#Q #Q+

#WWG1WGA #Qanon #Choices #Dream_Again -
#Letgo of that which Does Not Serve You or others. - #Write Your #Legacy!

(see this Thread) - " #Dedicated to #WWG1WGA"

@realDonaldTrump @Vinctum1 @redd_anon @WorldTruthTV @prayingmedic @JustInformU @DonaldJTrumpJr @NeilBer90555716
(SEE Thread & Vid Pls)
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