Let’s talk about the covid timeline vis à vis Bill Barr, the human coronavirus wreaking havoc on the Justice Dept & our republic.

1/ By 11 February 2020, it was pretty clear that AG Barr had launched an assault on the rule of law, and made a mockery of the DOJ: https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1227363101340770304
2/ On 12 Feb 2020, a week after Trump’s acquittal in the sham impeachment trial, Barr accepted an invitation to appear before the House Judiciary Committee, to discuss the shenanigans surrounding the Roger Stone sentencing. The day settled on was 31 March. https://twitter.com/gregolear/status/1227701818093948930
3/ Even at the time, 31 March seemed like the distant future. As I wrote at PREVAIL back then: “Barr should be subpoenaed to testify immediately, and if he refuses, he needs to be punished. Period. Lock him up. Fine him brutally. Take away his fucking money.”
5/ By 12 February, there were numerous cabinet meetings and warnings about covid from the CDC, from the IC, from State, and so on.

Are we to believe that Barr was somehow unaware of the outbreak in Wuhan & ignorant of the alarm bells? Please.
7/ And now Barr seeks to exacerbate the public health crisis: https://twitter.com/bpolitics/status/1252642451149459457
8/ Is this man, allegedly a Catholic, conniving enough, cynical enough, SINISTER enough, to have anticipated the pandemic and schemed to exploit it—even as Americans die? Is he evil enough to WANT a higher body count, if that means delay in his testimony & Trump’s reckoning?
All available evidence suggests that the answer is yes. Barr is the antichrist, so of course he’s fine with apocalypse.

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