What’s wrong w/people? I got a boat load of testimonials the other way. At what stage were they administered? What were the actual causes of death? Did these subjects have pre-existing? Just check out my feed. Example - https://twitter.com/bronsteyn/status/1252690911743496192?s=21 https://twitter.com/zekejmiller/status/1252633837357748225
@benshapiro as @realDonaldTrump said if some is in trouble why not take it? People take it all the time for all sorts of reasons. These articles from @AP & the rest are irresponsible at best, costing lives. 😡
I can keep going with this stuff... https://twitter.com/niro60487270/status/1252373032389099525?s=21 https://twitter.com/niro60487270/status/1252373032389099525
He’s talking about you @AP “News”. #FakeNews
See this thread re: South Dakota where the drug is being successful used but is being demonized by the media who as a result, IMO, have blood on their hands. https://twitter.com/niro60487270/status/1251614807947501568?s=21 https://twitter.com/niro60487270/status/1251614807947501568
You can follow @Bronsteyn.
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