char and garma getting married at (space) city hall
char getting married ironically. "haha it's a good joke to marry a dude you plan to kill. very funny" says char to himself, as he debates whether it's funnier to do it in casual wear or in a suit or tux. very smug about planning the big day. for irony. as a goof.
char trying to figure out if it's more ironic to propose super casually or if he should take garma out to a nice dinner. char taking garma on a nice date and getting down on one knee, for a laugh, because see it's gonna be SO ironic,
char making garma feel happy and emotionally fulfilled, but as a joke
comedy proposal done on vacation for max irony points. haha. get rekt, idiote
... CONSIDER the irony proposal being made even MORE absurd by garma having planned to propose over dinner that night bc he's a sap, and he ends up doing it anyway bc HE thinks THAT is funny/cute to do,,
and char is just like. ah. oh no.
i do not usually think of char getting married to anybody even when i am thinking of char having romance thoughts BUT it is extremely funny to me to think of him getting himself stuck in a pleasant situation with minimal strife by mistake
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