Am I like, uno, the only Ferdithea stan that doesn't root for the Crimson Flower route cuz uno kids I think my post-timeskip content is gonna disappoint y'all
Cuz its...anti Edelgard hahahahahahahahahaha
The post timeskip stuff I'm writing doesn't make reference to any of the other Lords (sans Yuri) cuz its any route excluding Crimson Flower compliant but its really my own fantasy of a route
Anarcho-commie revolution where Ferdinand's territory basically becomes Uruguay-esque commune n Ferdithea turn the mansion into a school-cum-orphanage for the kids who lost their parents during the war
And they live in a cottage at the edge of the old Aegir grounds.
Dorothea is a teacher cuz she loves kids
She;s the choirmaster
Erm anyway bc of Ms. Edelgard's politics, I'm sorry but she can't factor into that equation kids. I'm carrying too much generational trauma over imperialism and displacement to have her.
Tfw when the only Lord who has politics I can actually support with my whole a side story DLC...
Literally ROBBED of Yuri leading a TRUE revolutionary vanguard that ACTUALLY disposes of the nobility, instills freedom of religion, and redistributes the wealth whilst rehabilitating FĂłdlan's peasant and working class populace.
I don't think saying that "FĂłdlan's set in feudal times" is justification for how feudal all the routes are (Crimson Flower is the worst with Claude's being the least worst) cuz there's always been a history of the common folk rising up to shatter the status quo
I mean we get to religious institution endings??? Silver Snow (only saving grace is that the Beagles have the best development in that route and Rhea didn't start a genocidal war) AND Azure Moon...but like dimitri barely has a politics
Like Azure Moon's best part is that its about the horrors of war and how it can utterly destroy someone, but like what are Dimitri's politics?
Claude's probs got the best route but still it ends with an aristocracy and I'm just hmmm.

Don't @ me about Edelgard's "meritocracy" too, she does nothing to actually remove the status quo. She's just eliminates all of her threats to power and centralises it in autocratic rule
Look at me writing essays about the politics of a video game, when I have very REAL essays about race and gender, aristotle, marx, middle eastern political economy to write...
Should I write my dissertation and on the politics of fire emblem
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