You can’t force someone to have compassion. You can’t beg them to see, understand and apologize for treating you like shit if they GENUINELY in their hearts don’t feel like you’re worth treating with respect or compassion. Leave them alone. You can’t convince someone to care.
I know it fucking sucks. I know that it feels incredibly unfair. But you have to understand that losing someone who truly does not care about your emotions, does not care that you’re hurt by their actions and does not care if you’re around or not is NEVER a loss. It’s a big win.
The hope that maybe they do care and do have compassion and do have genuine feelings for you and do love you and do want to be with you and do want to make you happy and do feel guilty about hurting you will keep you with them for YEARS. Throw away that hope and focus on REALITY.
I remember forcing an apology out of this guy I was seeing. I felt deranged. I was explaining to a 24 year old adult that what he did was wrong. That what he did hurt me and that I was owed an apology. Madness. I got the apology and it felt worthless. I had to beg for it.
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