I fully admit the me reading this a year and half/ two years ago would have probably jumped on the band wagon of “how dare you say this” but my views especially since after Ziyart have really changed, not my views as such ...my ability to think without the cloud of modern https://twitter.com/PurifiedTruth/status/1252603344608202752
Feminism/Muslim hijabi influencers hanging above me.

During ziyart we all practiced our hijab like perfectly whether it was in shalwar kameez, Abaya or chador, we made sure to be fully covered and clothed. We had this constant thought in our head “we’re in the land of maula
Maula is watching us” and it really hit me that in the west or any other country there’s still an alive Imam, our 12th Imam atjf who watches us because we are his daughters, his shia, his followers. He knows us by our names, he’s constantly aware of us, he prays for
Our safety like we pray for his. My 12th Imam is aware of how I dress he sees me like this everyday and that was really embarrassing for me, it took a lot of relearning and programming; I had to really step back and understand that just because I wear a hijab doesn’t mean
I’ve ticked the box, hijab is covering up to wrists, it’s covering the shape of your body, it’s hiding all my awrah. It’s a pill that’s really hard to swallow because we’ve been programmed by the west to say “tell men to do it first and I’ll do it then” but this has
Nothing to do with men. Like a woman fasting, praying, giving charity is her following an ayat of the quran, me practising the proper hijab is me listening to the order of Allah it is independent of the other gender, it’s me myself and an order. We’re not in a competition with
Men, it’s not man hijab vs woman hijab it’s man hijab and woman hijab, we need both to create a society that’s good enough for Imam Mahdi to return back in. It’s a joint effort, I practise my physical and mental hijab the men also practise physical and mental hijab
Regarding what Sheikh said for the 50 women it’s true - everyday we hear that the 313 will be like Masoom absolutely close to sinless (we think of men who pray, who are extremely pious practising have never thought of haram, have never seen bad with their eyes
Haven’t lied haven’t cursed have basically lived as if they were infallible) so why doesn’t this apply to the woman? Obviously the 313 is going to be women who have perfected hijab since becoming baligh have lived without sin have never shown their faces on social media
If the ruling of being pure and perfect applies to the men on the 313 then why would it change for women ?

See this is why we need to relearn the hijab so we can understand without getting hurt
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