If you're gaining unwanted weight due to stress, going on a calorie-restrictive diet is the LAST thing you should be doing. That will confirm to your body that it needs to remain in stress: there is less food around. Your metabolism will slow down so that you can survive on less
What you should be doing in this situation, instead, is finding ways to relieve stress in your life. Living a less stressful existence. Do tons of guided meditations, hypnotherapy, take walks in nature to slow down your sympathetic nervous system
Eat whole, nourishing meals. Don't overeat or undereat. Focus on your food as you eat it so that all your consciousness can know - there is plenty of food. I can burn this.
YOGA. QI GONG. move into activating the parasympathetic nervous systems. Do any of my hypnosis sessions on youtube, OFTEN! :)
You can follow @leeoralexandra.
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