Okay I'm getting real tired of this so here's a fucking thing that everyone with health insurance knows already:

99% of all adults have an "underlying medical condition." It's called having a body. https://twitter.com/JohnCornyn/status/1252550962859909120
I am a healthy 36 year old woman and if I died today you could probably blame my death on the "underlying condition" of obesity. I look like this. I'm 5'8'' and 200 lbs. This qualifies me as "obese." My obesity would not be why I died if I had COVID-19.
That's me at the gym. I went to the gym regularly before quarantine. I can run five miles. I'm pretty fit. I weigh more than I used to, but my lungs are in great shape.

If I got a bad case of COVID-19 neither my weight nor my fitness level would matter. It's a fucking virus.
Comorbidity is a real thing. If you have two things fucking up your lungs at once, yeah, your likelihood of death is higher. Of course it is.

But you could take all the deaths from CAR ACCIDENTS and discover the same incidence of "underlying conditions." This is bullshit.
Correlation isn't causation. There are SURELY underlying conditions that make death from COVID-19 more likely. Anything that fucks up your immune system will make it harder for your body to fight a virus. But this is like saying 90% of people who die of COVID-19 have brown hair.
In the U.S., here are the numbers for ALL ADULTS with these underlying conditions:

Hypertension: 33%
Diabetes: 10%
Chronic lung disease: 13.4%
Cardiovascular disease: 50%
Obesity: 40%

This is without adjusting for age. This is all adults.
You could make the argument from this data that people with cardiovascular disease are LESS likely to get COVID-19.

This would be a dumb conclusion but hey, the data says half the population has it but only a quarter of COVID-19 patients does so no arguing with SCIENCE, amirite?
Anyone who is making broad statements without any attempt to protect those who are ACTUALLY more vulnerable to COVID-19 is attempting to blame Americans with normal human bodies for their own deaths because they weren't "healthy" enough.

And, y'know, fuck those people.
We started out with solid data that elderly people were more vulnerable to COVID-19. We heard "whelp, y'know, they were old, they were probably gonna die anyway."

We're moving rapidly to "whelp, you know, she was obese so her death was inevitable, should've worked out more."
If someone who happens to have a medical condition dies of this disease it will be because this government didn't give enough of a shit to protect us by saying "fuck the economy, keep the people safe."

It won't be because you were foolish enough to possess a mortal body.
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