Throwback to that one time in gcse art class where i was new to my painkillers and ended up going on a shitpost spree followed by the creation of an ink that changed colours as it dried and smelled like something sour and suspicious. We called it moral ambiguity
Moral ambiguity can best be described as blue-yellow and no i am not talking about green
Depending on how much of it you used, how dilute it was and what kind of paper it was applied to, it dried into anything ranging from a weird, washed out magenta to a blue-grey-brown, although on one particular occasion it became a sepia toned oil-spill
It should also be noted that while in liquid form moral ambiguity appears entirely black, save for the thin layer of bubbles around the rim of the jar, which are usually a concerning shade of puce
During the creation of this thread, @yilinglaozusass (who I consider to be a co-creator) has described it as “brown, but not” and “deceptively brown”. Upon further consideration we have come up with the term “sub-brown”, which i think sums up the effect
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