There are very few things I will get angry about

But seeing these "Lockdown Protests" just makes me grind my teeth

I didn't know it was possible to use -10% of your brain, people are dying by the thousands!
There are hundreds of people that are at these rallies, if my math is correct, that is about 3-8 people that will actively die if someone goes to one of these events infected

That's not even counting the people who will have life long effects from the illness after recovering
This is the rare opportunity to literally save the world by doing nothing!

This is not a joke, this is a world wide pandemic that is going to get more leathal for so many people if brain-dead maggots keep doing stuff like this!!
If you know someone who is trying to take part in events like these, for the good of humanity STOP THEM!

And if this thread sparks feelings of defensive aggravation, then it's probably a good time to do some REAL deep self reflection on your morals and ethical values
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