I’m not an inerrantist. If you pressed me, I would hesitantly name various historical and scientific details in the Bible I believe are incorrect.

But I think A LOT of the anti-inerrancy crowd is opening up a bigger can of epistemological worms than it realizes.
To say parts of the Bible are wrong with reference to claims about the actions and character of God is way beyond what I, a non-inerrantist, am willing to do. I just don’t see how we sort through theological claims with any sort of consistency beyond personal projection.
How do we even start sorting the Bible’s correct claims about God from it’s incorrect claims? I know the immediate answer is “look to Jesus,” but what does that mean? More often than not, we’re loading Jesus with our own preconceptions about what God must be like.
And even if we go with a kind of “only what seems like Jesus” hermeneutic, how do we account for the fact that the writers of the Gospel are consistently particular in pointing out that Jesus isn’t just a generic god, but Yahweh, God of Israel, as revealed through the Scriptures?
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