Well a rant really, I got some shit I need to get off my chest and I ain't pulling any punches. It's about "liberal Twitter," so if you're easily offended, or can't change your way of thinking, either don't read this or tread lightly, 'cause shit is about to get real.
A. Lately I've been seeing a lot of this "real americans" bullshit. When I calmly try to explain to people we're ALL Americans I get serious rancor about it from FAR too many people.

Fuck that for a few reasons:
1. Nobody gets to decide who a REAL American is people, that shit is in the 14th amendment of the constitution I swore to defend against enemies foreign and domestic. If you persist, I will consider you a domestic enemy to our constitution and block you accordingly.
2. ALSO, judging who is a "real" American is the way of the @GOP, and has been for years. Were you not fucking paying attention to what Sarah Palin said? Does anybody here REALLY want to be as stupid and vapid as that idiot? Again, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. And prolly mocked.
B) Berners. If you cant realize your dude lost fair and square then you should just shut the fuck up. It's called DEMOCRACY and if you dont like it tough shit. Either get on board or get out of the fucking way while the rest of us try to stop authoritarianism in the US.
C) I post (reasoned) stuff from the other side of the aisle the all the time because I've been reading and paying attention to poltics FAR longer than most of you, this I fucking guarantee. Know how there's a "tolerant left?" What the fuck happened to THAT?...
If you cant realize the other side has valid points, then you're a fucking insular asshole who doesn't deserve my time. Again, I'll politely try to explain to you what I'm saying. You dont have to agree, but you DO have to give me the respect I give you. If not, #BLOCKED.
D) Here's a little dirty secret: liberal Twitter is NOT the majority of Americans; we're really only a VERY small percentage. Hell a lot of us aren't even Americans. Most Americans fall in the center of most issues and that's another fucking #FACT.

Get the fuck over yourself.
E) Lastly, if I post an article with an opinion of my own, don't come at me unless you've READ WHAT I POSTED. I'm not doing this for shits and giggles people, reading is KEY to understanding and that's why I post articles.

Slow the fuck down, dial down the rage and READ.
Look people, we Americans are just like every other human that's existed since we first stood upright: good/bad and smart/stupid. The sooner you realize that hours a day on Twitter doesn't make you a fucking expert on EVERYTHING the better off you'll be.
That's it, that's my rant. Hate or love it there it is. You wanna argue with me, have at it. But if you all you got rancor and hate all you are is the other side of the fucking horseshoe: just as intolerant as the people you espouse to hate so very much.

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