If you are the parent or student and are a unsigned 2020, 2021, or 2022 graduate and looking to play your respective sport...you path has gotten exponentially harder. The new rules, extended dead period, potentially no summer showcase ball, schools cutting sports, schools closing
(See Urbana University), the transfer portal, no ACT/SAT requirements...all are potential roadblocks to your goal of becoming a college athlete. I cannot stress this enough...YOU HAVE TO BE PROACTIVE. You can no longer wait and expect something good to happen, if you aren't
talking to coaches, you need to develop a plan to do so...and do so now.

You and your club/travel coach should have a game plan and you should be executing it. If you aren't playing club/travel or may not be able to this summer for whatever reason, then you should be in contact
with your HS coach...and if you need some help...any help, contact me. I've helped a couple players in the last 2 weeks get in front of coaches, 1 even signed an NLI in a completely different sport than shes been playing in HS/Club. I don't charge anything (zero, zilch, nada) for
consulting and providing some guidance...if you need further assistance, we can work something out. I don't do this for the money...I provide information because I don't want to see any athlete miss out on an opportunity because of financial resources.
You can follow @aztecfan144.
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