🧩 Depression & Suicide in Spirituality & Paganism 🧩
{Trigger Warning} A lot of you guys don’t know this but I am diagnosed with BPD and Depression by a psychiatrist and I looked at views in paganism to help me find a reason to continue living. I grew up in a Roman Catholic
(2) household and was just told I was going to he11 for killing myself which I didn’t agree with so I started looking elsewhere for hope. The peak of my depression was when I was 15/16 and in and out of mental heath hospitals bc I was attempting suicide like every other week
(3) and self harming myself almost daily. When I was researching I came across an article that said that in paganism they believe that when you commit suicide you are breaking your soul contract. In your life you are meant to meet certain people to teach them a lesson or for them
(4) to teach you something. You are meant to meet certain people and fall in love or teach them love. But if you die the person you were supposed to marry, the kids you were meant to have, and the friends were supposed to have, never happens. You never meet anyone bc you left
(5) early. So when you are in the after life you see how your life was going to play out if you kept living and didn’t go early. You don’t go to purgatory like other religions believe but you become a spirit guide bc those people you were supposed to meet, you never did.
(6) As a spirit guide you have to help these people learn those lessons you were supposed to teach them when you were alive but never got to. The person you were meant to marry? You have to find someone suitable to take your place that’s alive from the other side. Those kids you
(7) never had? You have to find a good mom to birth their soul in this life now. Those friends you were meant to meet? You have to find them other friends that would teach the same lessons you were meant to. So suicide doesn’t just end everything.... you’d have to just watch
(8) over them in the after life and be sad you missed out on what could have been before you can pass on. When I get depressed again I think about this and hold on strong to my beliefs bc that’s the only belief that made sense to me. How could someone so deeply sad go to he11?
(9) Today I am alive and grateful bc I have everything I ever asked for and wanted. All the people I’ve met these past two years after my last suic!de attempt... I never would have met if my life ended two years ago.
(10) When you’re sad and upset please remember that the rainbow after the sun is coming. You don’t have to believe what people tell you but find your own belief. Find your reason to keep going, I believe in you 💗
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