authors: and they had olive skin
this is kinda blowing up and i’ve seen people correct me where i didn’t ask so let me just say idc if you call certain undertones “olive” all i’m saying is if you’re writing a brown skinned character i would prefer if first thing you’d describe them as. now hear me out. brown
if you wanna go on about their undertones (which you wouldn’t do with white characters lmao) then sure go ahead but maybe make clear first if they’re brown or not. having to figure out if a character is a poc or not isn’t cool especially if they’re the only one in the entire book
while i’m at it - if the only poc rep in your book is “up for interpretation for the readers” or just some ~ambiguous~ stuff instead of just confirming it on page you’re doing literally no one a favor (except maybe ppl who would prefer no poc rep in the books they read:)
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