The furry fandom is pro-LGBTQ, pro-self-expression, pro-artist, pro-creator, pro-worker, largely anti-corporate, and we're... SUCCESSFUL as a space.

This is a problem for the right because it kind of shows that spaces can be heavily and openly left-wing and still be successful.
People say that hatred of furries is just poorly-veiled homophobia, and that's entirely true, but it's not JUST poorly-veiled homophobia. A lot of hatred of furries is centred around bitterness and spite over leftists being successful while rejecting the right wing.
Furries are, in general, a compassionate bunch. We don't WANT people amongst us who can't be bothered to pay a few more cents on their taxes so that less fortunate people get healthcare, because a lot of furries ARE those less fortunate people who need healthcare.
We don't WANT people amongst us who vote homophobic, racist leaders into power because we're a fandom populated mostly by LGBTQ people and of which a sizeable fraction are people of colour.

We're successful despite rejecting bigots, and we set an example to be proud of.
We're also a creative space that corporations can't own, can't buy, can't possess, can't corrupt. Content that the fandom creates gets fed back into the fandom and shared with everybody. The enthusiasts and the creators are part of the same community. That's beautiful.
The furry fandom isn't perfect, don't get me wrong - we still have problems with our creatives being underpaid, misogyny, racism, bad actors not getting called out as much as they should.

But that our fandom exists at all - a self-sustaining creative collective - is beautiful.
Our fandom flies in the face of the right's conventional wisdom - we're diverse, we don't worship billionaires, we embrace sexuality rather than repress it, we create for ourselves and each other without the profit motive being the only driving factor in our lives.
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