i did happen to see a few tweets being mean to kit about his appearance however i personally saw more about how talking about kits casting was unnecessary drama bc nothing can be done about casting now so bother. if u didn’t say that “being upset that kit was miscast was rude” https://twitter.com/ginnysweaslcy/status/1252634847614468096
then that’s great for u, but i didn’t reply or qt or really interact with u at all bc i do not follow u and so didn’t see what u posted. i was simply responding to what was on my tl. but since you asked me to read that thread. saying that the actor for jesper maybe should have
had dark skin is not “coming at him for not being just like he’s in the books”, it is pointing out the obvious colourism inherent in hollywood that means that lighter actors continue to be cast over those with darker skin. it is a systematic issue, and when a character is
canonically dark skinned and u have the opportunity to cast a dark skin actor and u don’t, i consider that a failure on the casting directors part. maybe you disagree, i don’t really care if you do. saying that darker actors simply didn’t audition or didn’t fit jespers
personality is also such a cop out especially considering we haven’t even seen the show so don’t even know how amazing or not kit will be. physical descriptions are not always the most important things about actors when they’re cast in adaptations, but when the physical
descriptors make them part of a historically oppressed group, i personally think casting directors should try their absolute hardest to find actors who match those descriptions. in the end, i support kit bc he’s a young actor of colour and this is going to be his big break, and
the onus really was on casting directors. i’m pretty sure he’ll be a great jesper. but that doesn’t mean i’m going to stop thinking that there is probably a dark skinned actor that would have been perfect for the role that probably auditioned and wasn’t cast.
n e ways it is 3 am where i am so i am going to sleep and will be deleting this thread when i wake up good night stan inej ghafa
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