Why's Redd @ the top of my trending?
Are people happy for his return?
Sure I love a kitsune inspire character, but Redd sucks.
He constantly scams you with fake art.
I was hoping that the art wing of the museum wouldn't come back and a botany wing would take its place.
(shout out to @BrendanBlaber for the Botany Idea)
I just don't like how much rng is involved with Red and his "art". I'd love it if Redd could server a new, less rng focused, purpose. Or if they still keep him as someone who's gonna scam you, make him like a greedy carnie who scams you mini-games.
Give him a small hand full of mini-games, he can bring to your island. Let's say 8. Make them based on simple carnival games with an Animal crossing style. Like whack-a-mole, ring toll, dunk tank, etc.
But Idk, maybe I'm the only person who doesn't like Redd and his fake art. I just thought this was a fun idea, and I'd like to share it.
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