Ebay Flipping changed my life.

I lost both of my jobs because of COVID-19.

My income - GONE ❌

I needed to make money. I had bills due.

Fast forward 4 weeks, I'm making $200 in profit each day.💰

Let me tell you how
When I lost my jobs, I was forced into hustle mode.

Bills were due and people were relying on me financially.

I couldn't sit back and wait on the government for a handout.
I searched locally for work with no success. Lots of businesses were letting people go.

I was intrigued by the idea of making money online.

Eventually I came to Twitter.

I stumbled across @CoachJoeHart ’s account.

The results he was getting from flipping were immpressive.
At the time, I thought people selling courses were scammers.

I saw Joe was setting up a "Products For Profit" group. While I could see the potential in it, I had some doubts.

Would it be a supportive group? Is it a worthwhile investment? Would I even enjoy flipping?
I went for it anyway…

I had nothing left to lose.

I had to give this a try.

I figured I’d sign up for a month

If it didn’t work out I’d try something else.
Since I'm from the UK, I did consider there being issues with sourcing products those in the US had access to.

I learned there was a seperate chat for UK members, meaning I’d now have access to UK specific knowledge.

The support the group members show for eachother is amazing
As soon as I signed up, I began to take ACTION.

I connected with other members and discussed hot products.

Which products, where to get them, how to sell them.

I was constantly implementing everything I was learning from the group.

Buying low, selling high.
My phone screen soon looked like this.

Paypal notifications all day.

It never gets old.

Items are selling before I get home from the store. Sometimes before I even reach the checkout.💰

I’m getting friendly with the Post Office staff from all the items I’m sending out!
Money worries are gone. Rent is paid, bills are taken care of - and I have zero doubts it’ll be the same story next month.

In 3wks I’ve done £2k+ sales. There’s members making WAY more. The energy in this group is next level.
At my old job I would have to wash dishes for 30 hours to earn this money, but today I earned it by going to the store.

Once you realise money is everywhere, your whole perspective on life changes.

My biggest money worry now is remembering to drain my paypal account.
I didn’t do anything special.

I simply joined the group, and took action.

There is no reason you can’t do the same.

Now - it is YOUR chance to get involved.

Here’s my affiliate link. See you inside. https://gumroad.com/a/677016691 
You can EASILY make your monthly fee back on day 1.

This is the first group I’ve been a part of where EVERYONE inside is making money. No exceptions.

All the knowledge you need to generate an income from flipping products will be provided to you.
Let’s make some money 💰💥
Update on sales since this thread dropped 😎💰


DM me if you want to get involved 💪🏻
You can follow @RidleyLevelsUp.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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