SOME KPOP SONG RECS: A THREAD for the funky city pop 70s-80s retro vibes
Sweet Girl - B1A4
- the violins just SLAY
- do pay close attention to prince gongchan that is all
Chocolate - DAY6
- theres just something abt the guitars here that made me want to astral project
- probably their best song out of every song they have copyrights to !
The Chemistry - VICTON
- this song is everything
- idk if they use a piano or a synth or smth else but YALL IT GOES HARD
- an orchestra version like to see it
Lose Yourself (풀러) - Pentagon
- get into that INTRO !
- yes ptg has more songs that shine
Sweet - Unit Green (The Unit 2017)
- the most addictive prechorus imo
- the talentry of these women chefs kiss
- but more importantly THE BASS
You're So Fine - CNBLUE
- what could be more retro than chimes
- they use wind instruments here like bc jung yonghwa is fancy sht
- also lee j*nghyun trash idc idc
Calling You (끊지마) - CNBLUE
- the whole chorus is sung in falsetto and it makes me Feel Things
- jyh is rly just a King at this genre
My Type - WJSN
- same energy as Celebration by Kool & The Gang
- but make it kpop girl group + trap
- this album can be in this thread tbh
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