A few thoughts as a church leader in this time...

Even after gov't restrictions on gatherings are lifted, we will have to navigate self-imposed psychological restrictions of individuals and sociological restrictions of our collective communities in a post-COVID-19 world...
The common posture of many church leaders I know is, "I am not afraid, therefore I will lead fearlessly." This is commendable. But the oncoming new normal may very well demand that we balance (not diminish, but balance) this posture with a counterpart...
"Many are afraid, therefore I will lead with compassion...and courage."
When once we charged up new mountains carrying the flags of mission statements, inspiring our communities to follow...we may now need to journey much more slowly up these same mountains, carrying the wounded and fearful in our midst...
Visionary leaders will need to become visionary shepherds.

I'm not certain of any of this. But I keep thinking about it...
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