Manusmriti on war-spoils. So in a war, against the enemy whatever booty each man wins to him it belongs (यो यज् जयति तस्य तत् )

Loot here is: horses, chariots, wealth, women & animals

The King does have a right to the choicest portion of the spoils.
If some of the men don't win the booty themselves, the King should distribute it amongst themselves. (सर्वयोधेभ्यो दातव्यमपृथग्जितम्)

In a case where the entire village was killed by all the men together, there the king should distribute the spoils according to worth.
"The twice-born shall carry arms where dharma is interfered with... and where there is confusion, tumult or evil caused by the changings of time (विप्लवे कालकारिते).. or atrocities caused on women & priests (स्त्रीविप्राभ्युपपत्तौ)"

They (enemies) causing harm won't wait for you
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